2000 /西班牙 /喜剧 剧情 /100分钟
主演: 塞西莉亚·罗特 TomásFonzi FabiánVena 吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 诺玛·阿莱昂德罗 朱丽叶塔·卡迪纳利 MarioPaolucci LuisMargani SergioAgresti OscarAlegre DamiánAquino KarinaBerti JorgeBosicovich PabloBossi MelisaBudini Tomás Fonzi Mario Paolucci Luis Margani Oscar Alegre Pedro D'Angelo 安德斯·穆斯切蒂
导演: 亚历杭德罗·阿格雷斯蒂
剧情简介 : In Curuguazu, located in the Argentinian countryside, seventeen year-old Daniel Montero has been raised by his grandmother for three years since the death of his parents in a car accident. Daniel has a boring life, working in a poultry processing plant and meeting his friends in the square to make small talk. He saves some money from his salary and buys an old television, where...