1973 /法国 /喜剧 剧情 /95分钟
主演: 米歇尔·皮科利 蕾雅·马萨利 米歇尔·奥蒙 西蒙妮·西蒙 MarieLasas Amarande 热蕾耶·丰塔内拉 SabineGlaser PatriciaLesieur FabienneArel HenryCourseaux AlainAstruc JulienVerdier 克洛德·博林 玛塞勒·热纳维耶芙·埃莱娜公爵 Sabine Glaser Julien Verdier
导演: 米歇尔·德维尔
上映时间: 1973-01-01
剧情简介 : One day, a music critic, Pierre, catches sight of a woman dressed in blue and immediately becomes obsessed about meeting her. He persuades his adoring mistress, Aurélie, to help him find the mysterious woman in blue. As they pursue their seemingly futile quest, Aurélie realises that Pierre’s life is beginning to fall apart...