2015 /美国 /喜剧 /89分钟
主演: 朱迪思查普曼 马克斯·阿德勒 GiavaniCairo 乔丹·崔威里恩 SophieBolen 理查德·戈特里 StephenHailo KenAlter 拉尔夫李斯特 丹尼·穆尼 JoelPaulReisig IngridMortimer RichardJewell 柯蒂斯·贝德福特 KevinYon TomKruszewski VictoriaMullen JayPaulDeratany MatthewKlingler ElizabethFoster JoshCarrizales RobertToddChristensen KyleJurassic CollinAnderson DavidJerome KeithSeccombe ArmonYorkWilliams GregL.Rogers AmandaLipinski BlakePrice JeanetteLocher RockyRector Richard Jewell Victoria Mullen Blake Price
剧情简介 : Drew and his best friend Brett set out on a road trip to pose as gay ex-ministers using exuberant high jinks to scam churchgoers, all in order to raise money for his mother's experimental cancer treatment.