2005 /匈牙利 /剧情 动作 /13分钟
主演: JánosKalmár LajosKovács SándorBadár 洛约什·科瓦奇
导演: Bálint Kenyeres
上映时间: 2005-05-01
剧情简介 : Before dawn, a large transport truck - the sort with canvas curtains around the cargo, often seen moving troops or matériel - lumbers down a makeshift road through fields of tall grain. It stops where two such roads cross. Two men get out to check the truck, the horn sounds a few times, and the fields are alive with people each carrying a suitcase. Maybe 50 of them. They rush into the back of the truck, and it sets out down one road. Does a new dawn await these immigrants without papers?